Saturday 6 June 2009

so cute.

Hellooooo everybodehhhhh!

My friends came over this morning for GROUP STUDY. AMAZING.


and yeaa, Ian's dad brought him to his yeh yeh's ( grandpa's ) hse again. And guess what.

Instead of going into his yeh yeh's hse.. he stood outside my hse and went CHHEEEE CHHEEEE, OREOOOOOOOO!!!!

SOOO CUTEEE. hahahahaha. His dad, yeh yeh and kakak was like, IAN COME INSIDE THE HSE!! Ian replied, " I don't wanttttt, I wanna go inside che che's hse and play with oreo!!! "

and sooo, I opened the gate and let him in. First thing he did was SCREAM and ran around the compound bcos oreo sniffed his leg. =_= and you know how dogs chase after you when you run away from them =_= hahahaha. So yeaaaa, he was running and screaming " CHE CHE HELP MEEEE!!!!" hahaha. Awwwww.

Came inside my hsee.. che che can i watch tv?? I wanna watch PINK PANTHER!!

sorry, no pink panther on disney channel :P

che che..... can i play computer game??

che che...... Do you have any kids game??

che che....... What about Ultraman game??

che che... I need to go wee weee.


my friend ended up carrying him to the toilet bcos he refused to walk. CHE CHE WHERE IS OREO??? AFTER SHE COME AFTER ME!!

hahaha awwwwww. So cute ok.

He ended up playing neopets. His aunts came out one by one..

IANNNN time to come homeee!!

" not yet, im not ready to go home! I am playing computer game! "


" not yetttt, im not ready to go homeee!! "

in the end his mom came outside to call him. Hahaha.

his mom asked what is my dog's name.

ian : OREO ( it didn't sound very clear )
uncle ng ah pek : OREO ahh?
kakak : OREAL laa. Or ORIAL or ORIAHH
uncle ng : Ohhh ORIAL ah.

me : =___________________=



Mei Yii said...


I wanna play with oreo toooooo!

Hahaha, leky so nice to you what. :P

hyii said...

hahahahaha. Yeaaaaa, fai dit fan lei ahh.. :P

yeala, this time round.. i think he mood gua got 3rd interview for air asia.. haha. Plus im so nice buy lunch and dinner for him... if he dont treat me nice ah kick him out of the hse XD hahaha