Friday, 29 August 2008
like a storm in the sea
and what is with all the uncles not wearing their t-shirts???! AIYOH. When i look at the block opposite us, i see like... topless men and its not appealing! Cos they consists mostly of middle-aged men!! And even when i go to the kitchen to get something/wash my hand/ WHATEVER i see topless men as well!!! AAAHHHHH cannot sleep ah later. After i dream about topless middle-aged men chasing after me... NOOOOOOO.. hahahahhaa. I'm not against topless middle-aged men... just that...... the whole world can see them topless OKAYY! haha. Ok la, not the whole world.. but everybody staying in the condo!
ok good night. Please don't rain tmr... cos i wanna go swimminggggg
Sunday, 24 August 2008
this was taken in the airport sending meng fai off. So funny, there was this 2 small boys racing on the track. The boy on the second lane won and said " cehh, you run on lane no1 but still u lose...." =_= =_= =_= haha
Friday, 22 August 2008
olympic songg
anywayyy, here is the song
ok, better watch the the repeat of the beijing olympics opening ceremony this weekend. WANNA WATCH JAY CHOU!!! hahahahaha *cough*
anyway, went to pyramid for lunch with lydia, myii and weepeee. After that collected my cert from taylors.. after seeing the breakdown for my results... i just wanna bang my head on the wall. OMG. My AS results were quite ok, my A2.... T_T OMG HUIYIII STUDY HARDER T_T_T_T_T myii pls scold me if i don't T_T_T ngo ji chor laa... wooooo woooooo woooooo~
need to go back to taylors on monday morning.. In my head i was thinking, ok maybe ask mf out for lunch.. and den ..... i realised that he left already T_T_T_T_T woooo wooooo wooooo *sobs loudly* sighhh.
so funny, me and lydia wanted to leave taylors early.. so that we won't get caught in the rain.. but in the end T_T we got caught, had to borrow this funny umbrella from uncle mac. And it looked so funny, cos it had mickey mouse all over it. hahaha. And when i was walking to the car, in the middle of asia cafe, the umbrella just suddenly popped open =_= =_= =_= haha
raining again... Doesn't the rain just make you feel so emo/happy at the same time?? Makes u think alot. I don't know whyyy. But its sooo coolingggg yayyy.. Just nice for bbq later! WOOHOO!
ok myii, fai dit fan lei ar. Im waiting for youuuhuuuu~
Thursday, 21 August 2008
funny bunny, u taste like honey~
imagine me wearing an apron like that. HAHA
ooh, sexy mama. Hahaha. Imagine me wearing clothes like that when i cook. =_= fat chance. haha
cooked curry chicken for dinner... was wondering how come my curry smelled sour, sorta like asam-ish smell when i found out from my mom that i used the wrong spices =_= i used the asam fish on instead of the curry chicken oneee! hahahaha
take care of urself there, and we'll see you next year :)
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
myii, SO MAN :P
myii : Hyii, i need newspaper!! * hurries herself to get newspaper*
I was wondering what was going on, even though i kinda guessed it already. I headed to the kitchen, myii hurries in with the newspaper.. ( for your information, its like.. the whole set of The Star papers rolled up )
She took the newspaper.. finding around to see where was the cockroach.. and suddenly.. WHAM WHAM WHAM!!!
me : O_O woahhh... so man ..... killed a cockroach just like that...
even guys like lekky (our older brother) and weng (our younger brother) and WEI SHIN don't even dare go near them. Tsk tsk tsk.. shame on you guys. TSK TSK :p hahahahha
myii, you have a new nickname given by perng. The ROACHINATOR!! WOOOOO~ *claps cheers and applauds!!* =_= hahahahaha
ok... time to continue on the scarf noww.. byee
Thursday, 14 August 2008
all i want for my bdayy
meng fai : eh, huiyii. What do you want for ur bday next year?? 5-inch heels, pongo stick, or stilts ( u noe... those wooden sticks that clowns use to wear, so that they'll be really tall)???
me : =_=
meng fai : eh xl, what do you want to get huiyii for her bday next year??
xl : Get her helium floats lahhh. So that she can be lifted off the ground.
me : =_= (x10) You think what??? Like the olympics lighting the torch ahh???! Grrrrr
meng ah fai, i tell you... I'm not saying anything/whacking you/getting back at you because ur leaving this thursday. OKAAAYY???!!! hahaha
And den... another thing so funny...
Elicia (ck's gf) wanted a group picture with all the people who attended her bday party mah right. So.... bcos... im.. *cough* slightly (just slightly) shorter than the rest.... guess where i ended up??? Standing next to ck's younger brothers... who are.. 9 and 11!!!! Seriously =_= the whole night. HAHA
ok, byee
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
how now brown cow.......
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG SO ANGRY CAN DIE. GRRRRRRRR... Its not like we can even speak bm properly. SO STUPID. And because of this, MY FUTURE.... HOW LAAAA HOWWWW T_T_T_T_T making me STRONGLY DISLIKE the msian edu system more and more each day.
oh the poor kids, no teacher huiyii to teach them..... they will be deprieved of my stories, and my hugs and kisses (just kidding) hahahaha.. ITS STILL PISSING ME OFF.
aaaahh... lauren, i hope you get in.. cos ur planning to take psycholgy/business right? Should be easier to get in compared to mine.
Sigh.. now what? Should i take psychology in monash instead? Or should i wait... and appeal to the ministry of education(MOE) in singapore, and start in the middle of next year? But then again..... i might be rejected by the MOE. How la..... HOWWWWWW.... T_T really wanna cry redi T_T
cooled myself off with a really long walk around, and decided to go raffles city to do some shopping while waiting for eddie.
oh yeah lauren, plenty of eye candies for youuuu! OMG i see until everywhere oso got. I guess cos SMU is just around the corner, and all the uni students go to raffles to walk/shop/eat. Hence, good looking guys everywhere ^^
got jay chou's concert CD.. YAYYYYY!
went to.. err.. can't rmb the place.. tmr go and check the name ^^ its like marche, just that instead of western food, everything they have there is JAPANESE YUM YUM. Got GREEN TEA ICE CREAM! YUM. And myii, i had salmon and onions omellete. You would love it, minus the onion part :P haha. MYII WE GO THERE OKAY! OKAY.
thanks lydia for the phone call :D
wah so full now, cos i ate durian ^^
Dear God, pls pls pls let the ministry of education accept my a lvls T_T PLEASE. AMEN!
ok bye :D
Haha, oh well. At least i didn't forget something like my passport.. imagine.. GG-ness. Haha. Its actually quite nice travelling by urself... in a way.. Cos what i did.. i knitted till it got dark, and stared out in the open highway, thinking about life ( wah so emo, haha ) no la, but just basically having ur thoughts all over the place without anyone interupting. But myii, awww shucks.. it wasn't fun without youu :( rmb the singapore immigration.... HAHAHAHAHA.
And yeah, eventually i fell asleep. Hahaha. Plus, the 'cabin crew' (actually only one guy.. =_= hahaha ) he was really nice and all.. so it was a pleasant journey there.. minus the part where they were 40 mins late T_T wooo wooo woooo.. had to take cab alone in the dark wan okayy. So late redi, after take MRT, MRT stop halfway even more GG! haha
And arr... *cough cough* the guy at the singapore immigration.. err, do u call them officers? ( the ones checking the passports) he was really cute ^^ HAHAHAHA =_=
anywayy, I LOVE MY DADDY! HOHOHO. Cos he bought me a bag without me asking him to. HEE HEE HEE ^^ IM HAPPYY!
aww shucks myii, too bad the turtle one was dirtyyy T_T
myii, the tiger one is soooo CUTEEEE T_T_T
okok, better go to bed. Cos im tired..... and i needa wake up early tmr so that daddy can fetch me to register... instead of taking the MRT and squish with everybody cos they needa go to work. Haha.
ok bye.
Sunday, 10 August 2008
like rojak :S
Had a pleasant surprise today.. actually, more than a pleasant surprise. And yeahh, it totally made my day :D so funny, one of the jiblets name is shifu kicking. What a name =_= hahaha.
and thanks wei shin, u made my week. We can't wait!!! :D :D vision 2010! HOH HOH HOH *wriggle wriggle wriggle*
The birthday lunch was good.. :) myii, rmb.. *four* HAHAHAHAHA! It was great fun, we learnt a lot about friendship building! *yeah right* hahaha! Aww weipyng, we didn't leave u in church alone.. OKAY!
yupp, like my title.. my post is like rojak. Haha. Good night ppl :)
me : yeah yeah.. tip u with WHAT? I can... TIPU laaaaaaa.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. omg damn
lame =_=
Perng : wahlau tip me become tipu. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Being super duper lame tonight, and i shall not list out more.
and i was going to post about myii talking to the car episode no 2, but i'll leave it for another time la.. I needa sleeeep.
Friday, 8 August 2008
bella my love~
We were on our way back from 1u.. and she.... starting talking to the car.. TO THE CAR... and named it BELLA...... =_= =_= =_= that was the face i gave her. HAHA
This is a manual car la.. and the traffic was quite heavy on the road.. and suddenly she was like.. Bella.. mou sei ah, don't die on me...... T_T_T_T
=_= =_= =_=
and we started talking about what nationality should we give the car.. whether it should be chinese... malay... european.. and how should we talk to the car... in malay.. or cantonese... or european accent... omg omg HAHAHA
and the worst part was rite..... the part cutting into our hse from the underground tunnel.. going up the hill.. she was laughing, balancing and talking to the car at the same time!!! THE HORROR!
Can you imagine me.... i was sitting there praying and hoping that the car won't die... cos she was 'multi-tasking' hahahahaha.. reminds me of the first time she took me on a joy ride... and she laughed so hard she kinda missed the turning and had to kinda... u-turn back... HAHAHAHAHA..
and she oso conned me into watching 6 feet under with her T_T eiyerr... some more made me feel so bad, cos she waited for me to watch the show together... mana tau...... T_T hahahahah. Ok la, it wasn't so bad.. just that the characters in the show was quite weird.. esp the sister and the mom... and david *shivers* hahahaha
climbing today was GREAT! :D zhao, next time i wanna go the lead climbing wall againnnn!! :D:D:D hahaha
okok, got quite a long day ahead tmr.. better goooo~
this is my favourite.. like.. woahh.. im on fireee! HAHAHA
looks just like me... hee hee *shy* HAHAHAHA
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
grrrrr grrrr grrrrrrr *&^@#$)({%_@
and the highlight of the movie was..........
the lady sitting behind us : HAH?? Zhuo wan liao ahh?? Cehhh.. dou bu hao kan de.... ( Har.... finish redi ar the movie? Also not nice to watch wan..... )
we ( myii, ck and i ) burst out laughing. HAHAHA soo funny, some more the lady said it so loudly =_=
the movie was okayyy i guess.... just that its those kinda movies where u don't really understand what is happening.. who is this guy... who is she talking to.. and like they didn't end the movie properly kinda thing. So yeahh...
the bubble tea we bought from yippee cup was soooo was nice la.. but amboi.. manis sampai nak pengsan ni... hahahahaha
perng the pole dancer, perng the longkang boy, perng the pole dancer.. perng the pole dancer... perng the longkang boy..... omg.. so long.. PTPD PTLB PTPD HAHAHAHAHAHA
ok bye.
Monday, 4 August 2008
Another use for snorkelling goggles and flippers.
okok, picture this. Myii , perng (optional cos he's mean :P just kidding) and i watching a horror movie
and den cos its so scary right,
me asking myii : Do you think goggles will help make the movie less scary cos the screen is all blurry? Eiyer.. after you fogg up the goggles, by the end of the movie.... you take off ur goggles the fogg become all water redi and you can pour it out.. And then if ur goggles are tight, u walk out of the cinema with 2 red rings around your eyes, ppl think you never sleep for days to wait for this movie to come out. HAHAHA.
myii : *no answer, busy laughing* HAHAHAHAHA *GASP WHEEZE WHACKS TABLE* just kidding.. :P
me : imagine.. you wear your goggles and scare your neighbour...
random guy next to me : * so happen look my way* YE TUHAN!! ( OMG ) HAHAHAHAHA
and then....
me : HEY.. do you think snorkeling goggles would be even better? Some more got the breathing pipe... block ppl's view..
me : or the flipperes oso can.
me and myii : *laugh laugh laugh KETAWA KETAWA KETAWA WHEEZE * until stomach oso pain. haha
omg omg omg OMG... lameness of the lameness.... hahahaha! Why not next time bring our float along as well... -..- HAHA
oh oh, I LOVE THIS SONG... awwww so niceeeeee.. Love this movie ten things i hate about you as well :D if u hear properly.. there are some parts where heath sings out of tune. HAHA
and TAHNIAH MEIYII you are a champion!! Cos she killed the cockroach with her bare foot! Just kidding.. she in the kitchen and she was wearing slippers. So what she just did was *CRUNCH* on the cockraoch... and there it was.. all squished up.. and i thought it was dead already... until i went near it and its feelers started moving and i was like OMG! hahaha
ok, time to go to bed.... and ish.. i've not completed my resume yet.... nooooo.. better finish it asap, come on hyii, you can do it! OK!
good night ppl :)
Sunday, 3 August 2008
can't smile without youuu~
barbie clothes lying around the floor. That bike is really cool cos it has lights ^^ hahaha
when our cousins were around and they had nothing to do, i took our old barbie dolls out for them to play. Actually more of the girl cousin Cailey. The boy cousin Rylan, he played with our playstation 1. Its been years since we played with that! hahahah
I didn't realise the doll's legs until just now... hahaha! The legs look folded! hahahaha!
ok good night peeps :) mr APP is shoo-ing me off to bed. Memang AP! :P haha. Just kidding :P
Saturday, 2 August 2008
Isn't she lovelyy~
and sorry for being such a mean cousin when i was young *cough plasticine incident* hahaha. I really really feel bad ok :( and yeahh.. lets spend more time together before you leave for uk OKAY? OKAY :D
I MISS YOUUUUUUU <3 *MWAHHH! lots and lots of slobbery kisses* ]
ps : anybody wants to listen to a funny story? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding :P ok bye!
just keep climbing, climbing and climbing! hohoho