just bcos he's a guy, he can go out whenever he likes.
just bcos he's a guy, he can come home whenever he likes.
just bcos he's a guy, he can drink and drive. Just kidding. -..-
just bcos he's a guy, HE HAS ALL THE FREEDOM IN THE WORLD. * rolls my eyes till hurts*
GWARSHHHHH... gahhh, im so annoyed at the fact that just bcos he is older than us, and he's a guy, he can do whatever he likes. And us sisters are allowed to go out.. once in a while. Or even if we're allowed to go out, we must come back ASAP. -..- sheeshh.. just bcos we are girls and its sooo dangerous for us to go out. Sheeshkebab. -..-
darling brother, this time i forgive u for asking me to take this and take that, do this and do that when UR IN A HURRY TO GO OUT bcos ur friend was really nice and friendly just now. *coughs*no3*coughs* no1 is fired! hahaha! *coughs*reallypotential*coughs* HAHAHA aiyo so tak tau malu. :P
drove back back from church just now and realised that i'm really scared to drive on the road nowadays cos i seldom drive. Not bcos i don't want to, but more on my dad being super reluctant to let me drive. WHATEVER FOR???? GRRRRRRRR. AAHHHHHH... GWARSH. SHEEESH. I really like driving k T_T *SOB* i don't wanna be scared of driving... If i continue doing this i might not even dare to drive anymore. NOOOOOOOOO... all the cars that i plan to get... NOOOOO... *SOB EVEN MORE*
I tell u ah, you don't let me drive some more, i'll go ride a bike. Like harley davidson type. Imagine me riding that. -..-
VROOOM VROOM. Cannot get up the bike cos not tall enough. Once on the bike cannot get down unless someone helps. Imagine that. Hahahaha!
check out this scooter! *tut tut tut* so cool rite. :D
i don't mind getting this! oooohhh
this is a cool scooter man.
Sigh. I think the wire of my braces broke. -..- bcos its poking my lip and its hurting me. booo. I rmb the last time i had to stop eating apples cos i broke it quite a number of times :P haha.
I wanna take nice pics, and photoshop really well. I wanna go to the beach for a holiday. I wanna go shopping.
This post is full of my complaints. :P I think i should stop complaining and talk about happier stuff. Haha.
Thank God for my sister, she's my honey bunny :) (although im always her victim when she's feeling grumpy T_T woooo T_T) and i love her. And she's bugging me to post so i shall end here. :P
chatting with ck and i am SO EXCITED cos we're planning our hols when he comes back. yayyyy ^^ okok. bye.
XD you left out the part where our darling brother's friend was good looking. *wiggles eyebrows*
Missed it. Aihhh~
haha *wriggle eyebrows*
lyd: awww... poor no.1 T.T your cycle.... can you even reach the pedals.... 0.-\\\ my mom wanted learn last time but cant reach the pedals and you're...... :P wont say. then you should get the frisbee one :P
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