Found them in daddy's computer and I AM SOOO ANNOYED at the STUPID WIRELESS MOUSE bcos i cannot pull the pictures to where i want them to be and it is soo laggy. I would choose a wired mouse anytime anywhere. -..- so laggy and its harmful bcos of the radiation. TSK TSK.
so coool... Its like WOAHHH haha.
i love sunflowers, don't you? :) I wish i could take pictures this beautiful.. yes, one day i will :P haha
Our neighbour sings like a cat stuck in her throat. Seriously..... she spoils whitney houston's and celine dione's songs. SERIOUSLYYYY LA I TELL YOUUUU.... turn the volume down so that we won't hear u... 2 houses away. *rolls eyes till hurt* gwarsh gwarsh gwarshhhhh.. hahahaha. GWARSH how we cringe at the high notes because it is all out of tune... and... she just can't reach it. T_T
I lay on this table dead....
hahahaha! Someone wrote that laying on the table dead thingy and someone actually replied. Nothing better to do in class is it this kind of ppl :P just kidddinggg.
yay yay yayyy! Jason castro did not get kicked out of american idol. He's so funny even though he can't really sing but he is so attractive it just makes u wanna vote for him. The way he sang the last part for hallelujah, right myii? :P halleluuuu~uuuu~uuuu~jaaaaahhhhh~and the way he yawned without covering his mouth at the backstage during the voting. -..- ppl all so scared and nervous, he yawn without covering his mouth. What la. hahaha.
It was so wasted that carly got out. SIGH SIGH SIGH. Aiyoh, someone else is supposed to get la ok. NOT HER. Oh well, its not like we can do much about it oso. haha
Hmm... the hse seems quieter bcos smelly brother is not around. Or is it just me? hmm.. Maybe cos our parents went out tooo.. :S Didn't get to see him today before he left for the airport so i send him a msg :
yo smelly brother, enjoy saudi and don't forget to buy me something. A MUST. See ya alligator, in 11 days time.
hahahaha. So tak tau malu wan :P but don't care lah. hehehe
gtg gtg gtg gtg gtg, maths here i comeeee T_T im longing so badly to do your questions.. your complex numbers and your intergration. They give me such joy T_T hahaha. But at least it is not as bad as accounts and econs. GWARSH they are really dry subjects you can read the first half of the page and fall asleep -..- hahaha! All the best to meee hee heee~
Sigh, the neighbour is still singing, GWARSH. It still sounds horrible as ever. I better go wear those ear plugs lydia bought me. hahaha. God blessss :)
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