wow, like AMAZING. haha. I had quite an interesting walk in bukit kiara today. Myii wasn't feeling thaat well yet so she decided not to go ( boohoo, i think she would've enjoyed it. ), weng was PURE LAZY (haha), marms didn't want to go so it was just me and popsy.
Was quite doubtful about going cos it looked quite cloudy and it might rain. But den, 3 KGS 3 KGS and so i went =_= haha. It was quite a pleasant walk, cooling and nice. After about 1km plus(?) dads wanted to go back to the car to get the umbrella but decided not to in the end and said "we'll just walk faster" like O_O O_O O_O. hahaha. His normal walk is me walking fast ok. It was the fastest walk for me. T_T If i jog with myii, it would be the same speed. -..- hahaha! Just kidding..
So funny la, dads oso mentioned about this lady who was jogging, but her jogging was the same speed as our walking -..-
popsy : " eh, u look at that lady, jogging but den how come the same speed as us wan?"
me : =_=
Saw a chameleon while walking, and a dead centipede/milliped ( looked like the poisonous one, whichever it is, haha ) squashed by numerous joggers/walkers not looking on the road, aww poor thing. haha. Quite interesting ah, the last time we saw a snake, like omg O_O and countless monkeys. haha
After walking for about 3km we heard the rumbling of the thunder. At first i was like, oh nothing la, not raining yet oso, won't die wan. And then.... i realised, we're walking with tall trees everywhere.. den i was like OMG WALK FASTER. hahahaha. Not easy k, with my height walking the same speed as my dad, and he was brisk walking. Aiyoh.. haha. And somemore he mentioned
popsy: If i want to walk faster rite, i just need to walk bigger steps.
me : *thinking to myself* I've already reached my limits. Can't walk any faster nor walk bigger steps. haha
And so funny ar, we were rushing to leave and there were still ppl coming with umbrellas and some without anything. Wah, power power. *thinks to myself* these ppl not scared die ar, thunderstorm still wanna walk under trees, better pray for their safety first. HAHAHA. Really ah these ppl. Some even come with their small children. wooo~
About.... 400 metres i think, from our car, it started to drizzle just a slight bit, those 'mao mao yu' that you cannot really feel.. and
dads : " if it start raining we jog to the car ok "
me : o_O" GG... hahaha
and it did start to rain. T_T_T
dads: "ok, lets jog!!"
me : " *can't describe in words my facial expression* noooooooo ( of course i didn't say it out loud la, ppl think i cuckoo ar, haha) "
zoooooom he jogged off so quickly i lost sight of him after 10 seconds. =_= It was the only time i wished i had been like the aunties who bring their umbrellas for their walk so that they won't walk in the sun =_= didn't they learn in physics that when they walk with their umbrella they need more power cos they're walking against the force.. like.. DUHH.. hahahaha!! k la, actually i dunno la, cos i dint take physics oso :P
It started to rain heavier and heavier and in the end i gave up and just walked in the rain bcos i was going to be drenched anyway *RE* hahahaha!
In seconds everything was wet from head to toe. My shoes got all slushy T_T and yeahh, everything was wet. T_T The feeling of walking in the rain was somewhat quite amazing though. I wouldn't mind doing that again :P hahaha! Myii!! wanna come *wriggle wriggle* zhao can be the umbrella man. :P HAHAHAHA, just kidding. Hmmm, how do u describe the feeling. It was like walking in a shower, when the water just keep pouring on you, and there's so much water you can barely open your eyes and see where you're going. I could've banged a silver coloured car cos seriously i didn't really noe where was i going. I was just walking straight. haha
Pops actually came back up with an umbrella (awww) but it was too late anyway, we both were drenched already. hahaha. And i gtg now cos i needa go to bed, there's thunder and lighting and the modem is in great danger OMG so good night ppl :)
nice nice pic of raindrops :)
really really nice pic T_T
my fav pic :) aihhh.. I should start taking more pics and not let the camera keep dust. haha. OMG I JUST SAW LIGHTING! T_T i risked the modem to post these pics. T_T hahaha. oh no oh no, k bye.
The modem is SAFE!
Hmm. Eh, after I go in the rain then come back with violent cough and eye-popping cold even worse right. T_T...
But sounds like fun walking in such heavy rain. Hmm. So wasted.
won't wan won't wan... all you do, is just drink 1 litre of apple cider and u'll be fine. HAHAHA
yah yah, lets try that, LETS :D
Try drinking a litre of apple cider? T_T...
Are ya outta ya mind~~~?
its lightNing le dear, not lighting -.- *tsk* *tsk* :P
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