Sunday, 27 April 2008
a short one.
Wanna say THANK YOU EVERYBODY for making my birthday such a wonderful one. The presents, the wishes, the messages, the posts EVERYTHING. Awww.. im soo touched. I even had a cake today in sunday school and the kids all sang for mee... AWWWWW.. Even more touched. Haha. THANK YOUUU
okok, psycho essays here i comeeee~ Will post a full one with pictures and all by this week. God bless and LIFE IS GREAT. hahaha! <3
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Like a cat stuck in her throat.
Found them in daddy's computer and I AM SOOO ANNOYED at the STUPID WIRELESS MOUSE bcos i cannot pull the pictures to where i want them to be and it is soo laggy. I would choose a wired mouse anytime anywhere. -..- so laggy and its harmful bcos of the radiation. TSK TSK.
so coool... Its like WOAHHH haha.
i love sunflowers, don't you? :) I wish i could take pictures this beautiful.. yes, one day i will :P haha
Monday, 21 April 2008
so saaad.. so saaad..
me : Do we need to go through the process of getting a birthday cake again.....
myii : Yeah, whats wrong with getting your birthday cake??
Yeahhh.. whats wrong. I tell you whats wrong. *gangster style* Haha. Was it my 17th(??) or 16th (??) birthday, either one lah.. daddy asked me to order the cake that i wanted, and he'll go collect it cos he doesn't know which cake i want. So yeahh.. i called up Suchan (everybody should try cakes from there! Esp banofi pie!! Yummehh!)
me : Hello, is this Suchan? I would like to order a cake pls.
Waitress from Suchan (WFS) : Yes, miss. Which cake would you like?
me : I would like... )*&@(*_%*# ( i can't rmb the cake's name :S) haha! Some hazelnut thingy.. quite nice.
WFS : Okayy, any messages on the cake miss?
me : Yes pls. Can you put 'happy birthday hui yii' on the cake?
WFS : ok, no problem miss. May i know who is this calling?
me : huiyii.
WFS : aww, this pitiful girl, have to order her own cake. So sad... hahaha! Of course she didn't say that lah, she just said ok.
-..- -..- -..- -..- myii was laughing and laughing and laughing. HAHAHAHA. Like helllooo? Why didn't i think of Ms. Tee or Mei yii???! Soooo smart give my own name. HAHAHAHA. Come to think of it, so funny. hahaha! Its like.. pitifully funny :P haha!
oh well....
Class is starting tmr and i'm still thinking whether i should or shouldn't go for class... Waste time only.. teachers won't be teaching much anymore.. So yeah.. SHOULD I GO?? AIYOHYOH..
I NEED FIREEEE~ FIREEEE~ boooohoooohooooo T_T neeed to study hard, hard and hard. All of u ar, don't call me out until June 13th ah ( actually i think i call ppl to go out moree -..- hahahaha!)
okok.. gtg.. needa do my psycho assignments :p hahaha.. Months after my due date :P hahaha!
btw, go check this meemo out! So cute right... :D :D :D
Saturday, 19 April 2008
sooo laggggyyyyy
seems like we had this just a few months ago but yeah, its already a year since we last celebrated ur bday in ciao. Thanks for being such a great friend, my babyhood friend. :P Rmb the times we stayed over at ur hse and we played princess princess, and watched barney ? HAHA. And ur 'swimming pool'. I would love to post ur pictures when u were young but u would kill me i did :P hahaha
we had so much fun in redang, will never forget it :P omg lydia, you're 21 this year!! *cough*quite old*cough* hahahaha! Just kidding..
and to anis, our starbucks day :) college won't be the same without u :P
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
wow, he's so man :P
And so daddy... *jeng jeng jeng* took this bundle of rubberband he made earlier on to catch another lizard -..- and this rolled up newspaper ( i made it for our baby cousin brother to play golf -..- haha!) and walked up the stairs (fuiyo so cool) and went to catch the lizard. haha! Sadly, he didn't manage to catch the big lizard, but he caught a small one. -..- What is it with all the lizards in our hse... tsk tsk. And still there are sooo many mosquitoes in our hse??! Lousy lizards.. haha.
Wah wah, i want my husband to be like that too. So MAN :P not like so guys i noe.... *cough*weishin*cough* see lizard don't dare to sleep in his room until his MOM catches it. Hahahaha! Even myii killed a cockroach with wei pyng's slippers and flushed it down the toilet bowl okayy *RE* wahh wahh BRAVE WARRIOR haha! :P
myii honey bunny, chilling k. I write some poems for u.... HAHAHAHA
roses are red,
violets are blue,
I am tee hui yii,
tee mei yii is you. *names in the poem were changed.
tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow,
we have care group tomorrow.
honey bunny,
you're so funny,
u are so sunny.
smarty farty,
u like to party,
in your party,
its always farty. (doesn't make any sense but it rhymes. hahaha!)
yo yo yo,
i like to play yo yo,
it is like bo bo,
i love my bo bo.
GWARSH such poems i write. Are they even called poems? :S haha
LO AND BEHOLD, i am here,
where art thou wei pyng,
thou art in monash,
yeah yeah yeah. ( Something like that la, can't rmb what i told myii. :P)
oh so long,
oh so skinny,
guess what's that,
it's zhao's legs.
HAHAHA. I think i make a good poet, don't you think? :P hahahaha. Just kidding~ are ya outta ya mind?? Anybody in their right mind wouldn't buy my poems okayyy. hahaha
wanted to post this quite some time ago but it slipped my mind. hehe. We were in yippee! cup studying *ahem* yeah we were :P
see that pink thingy inside the cup?? It's my chewed up water melon gum. hee hee ^^ and how did it get in there? Zhao made a hole in the cup and asked us to try throwing it in there and GOAL!! after a few tries... *cough* am i pro or what?? *cough cough cough* It was quite a small hole okayyy.. *rolls eyes* hahaha!
me with my successful shot. Thank you thank you. hahahaha!
forgot to rotate the pic :P me doing my work. hahaha! Or were we doing the sensation seeking test? haha
zhao's funny face. Don't have any of myii's pic cos she was the one taking the pics. tsk tsk. haha
myii, don't blame the printer for something u did okayy *RE* tsk tsk tsk :P hahaha! okok, off to bed! gooood nighhhttt~ <3
Monday, 14 April 2008
another taggee hee hee
Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. If you could be an ice cream, which flavour would you be? Err, i would be durian flavour so that i have durian breath everyday. Just kidding..
2. Given the chance, what special ability/power would you like to have? The power to.... create even more powers so that i have unlimited powers! Im so greedy! haha
3. What do you think of your brother(s)/sister(s)? Like what myii said, First's a Gen-2...Last's a... smelly fart. HAHAHA. no la. First brother is nice, youngest brother oso nice, myii is the nicest. haha XD
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most? Right now, Sabah - Kota Kinabalu, then Sipadan. XD GWARSH i shouldn't do the same tags as myii cos my answers tend to be the same -..-
5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be? I dunno.. erm, get married and have 6 kids with a huge house? :P
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? Yeahh, if the sun is out. I will always look out for a rainbow. :)
7. What are you afraid to lose the most now? My eyesight. Haha. Just kidding. Err, everyone and everything that i love? But i am not afraid to lose weight hoho!
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do? I would donate it and say WORLD PEACE. haha. Err, dunno la. So many things to buy.
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? I guess soo... i dunno :S I might. But den, its always better if guys take the first move rite? aduh.. manyak problem ni.. haha
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. She has the best sister in the world. Ok lah, that takes up 3 good points :p haha!
11. Why are you doing this tag? Come to think of it, i really don't know. Bcos myii tagged me? haha
12. What type of person do you love the most? [edited question] a person like me. Hee hee.
13. What is your ambition? To be a bikerwoman.
14. If you have fault, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet? Point it out so that i can repeat it again and annoy them. HAHAHA
15. What do you think is the most important in your life? Mannnn... all these questions are getting on my nerves. Like helloo..
16. Are you a shopaholic or not? Maybe, maybe not. You can give me some money and seee :P hahaha
17. What is the thing that you really want now? The thing i really want now is the trip to sipadan with myii and kawan-kawan. Yupp. That is what i really really really want.
18. Why does it hurt when you punch someone? Didn't you learn that in science? Go read ur form 2 text book. Ur lapis-lapis this and that.
19. Is there anything that you have done which you regret? Whaddya think sonny.
20. Are you feeling random right now? YAH. So random i can go pee. hee hee.
1. zhao
2. w3
3. me
4. me
5. me
6. me
7. swee ying
8. nissy
ok lah, good night ppl!
Sunday, 13 April 2008
smelly fart.
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people.list the names first...NO CHEATING!
1. Wei Pyng 2. Myii 3. LEKSOON 4. Daddy 5. Zhao
To the poor, pitiful tagged people- DO NOT CHEAT
1. How did you meet 1(Wei Pyng)? When i was in std 1, took the same car to school. Wei pyng, rmb cao cao cao??! HAHA
2. One a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your friendship with 1(Wei Pyng)? 12! BEST! hahaha. Ok la ok la, she always kena bully from me. Sorry wei pyng, i shall just treat you with a trip to sipadan XD
3. How long have you known 4(daddy)? Like, since, foreverrrr. HAhahaha! no la, of course my whole life la.
4. How do you know number 3(leksoon smelly fart)? he's my smelly brother. -..-
5. Where's 5(Zhao)? Sleeping on his bed now. HAHA. im stalker pro k :P
6. A fact about number 1(Wei pyng)? She loves to go island hopping with us. :P
7. Who is 4(daddy) going out with? He's going out with my mom lah. haha!
8. What does 1(Wei pyng) do for a living? Still studying, but after that diving instructor. hahahaha
9. Would you live with number 3(leksoon smelly fart)? there's no choice. Im sorry.
10. What do you like about number 2(Meiyii)? awww, myii?? Everything and anything. But not when she's being a grumpy frump :P
11. Do you miss number 5(zhao)? nahh.. he's prob missing me now. *PERASAN* hahahah! JUST KIDDING. Yeah i'll def miss him if he goes somewhere for a long time :P
12. Would you make out with number 4(daddy)? Whaddya think smarty? -..-
13. What's your opinion of number 2(meiyii)? *ahem* too many to list out. She's my sister! The list will go on FOREVER. :p
14. What's your favorite memory with number 5(zhao)? Too many memories can't recall. All the times we laughed at him. Yeah. haha!
15. What would you do if number 1(Wei Pyng) and 2(Meiyii) were going out? ARE YA OUTTA YA MIND? hahaha. Never will happen in a million years.
16. Ever had a long conversation with 5(zhao)? yupp yupp.
17. Have you ever slept at 2(Meiyii)'s house? we live in the same hse. -..- even slept on her bed before and squished her up ^^ haha.
18. Do you hang out with 3(leksoon smelly fart) alot? It depends. haha. He's our brother of cos laa.
19. Who have you known the longest? err... 2,3,4? haha!
20. How often do you talk to 1(Wei Pyng)? quite quite often.
21. What about 2(Mei yii)? every single hour (minus the sleeping hours. Or maybe she talks to me in her sleep. She does!! somtimes :P hahaha
22. Have you ever thought 3(leksoon smelly fart) more than a friend? Its not like i have a choice, he's already more than a friend anyway.. *RE* he's my smelly brother.
23. Would you go out for a date with 5(zhao)? nahh.. he's too tall for me. :P hahaha! no laaa, nope don't think soo~ ^^heh heh heh
24. Do you dream about 2(Meiyii)? Boy do i dream about her all the time. *hamsap face* hahaha
25. What did number 4(daddy) did to you that you can never forget? He brought me into this world. hee hee hee ^^ you noe how.
26. What have you done for 1(Wei pyng) that the person never forget?
Oh, bringing her to redang. The best experience EVER. haha
27. What's 3(leksoon smelly fart)'s hobby? farting and digging his nose. >:( ok la ok la, sometimes i still love him la. My brother mah. But he shouldn't make me angry when i post. HAHAHAHA
I tagggg whoever who wants to do it. Normally when u tag ppl most of them don't do it anywayyy *rolls eyes* including me :P haha!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
just because he's a guy. hmph.
VROOOM VROOM. Cannot get up the bike cos not tall enough. Once on the bike cannot get down unless someone helps. Imagine that. Hahahaha!
check out this scooter! *tut tut tut* so cool rite. :D
i don't mind getting this! oooohhh
this is a cool scooter man.
Sigh. I think the wire of my braces broke. -..- bcos its poking my lip and its hurting me. booo. I rmb the last time i had to stop eating apples cos i broke it quite a number of times :P haha.
I wanna take nice pics, and photoshop really well. I wanna go to the beach for a holiday. I wanna go shopping.
This post is full of my complaints. :P I think i should stop complaining and talk about happier stuff. Haha.
Thank God for my sister, she's my honey bunny :) (although im always her victim when she's feeling grumpy T_T woooo T_T) and i love her. And she's bugging me to post so i shall end here. :P
chatting with ck and i am SO EXCITED cos we're planning our hols when he comes back. yayyyy ^^ okok. bye.
am i outta my mind??
She borrowed my shaker pencil the first week of class and it went missing ever since. It is still in her pencil box and she uses it daily without fail -..- tsk tsk. Not only that, she is a powerful vain pot :P hahaha! kidding swee ying :P She never fails to ask me to miss her -..- well i do, sometimes :P One thing i really want from her is her ever smooth skin. She has one of the smoothest skin (like a baby) no joke. haha
NAHHH swee ying seeee. I miss u la k :P hahaha!
okok, gtg redi. Really really tired and i needa go to bedd... BADLLYYY. It's calling meee, calling meeee. haha! good night ppl :)
*GWARSH its taking AGES to load the pics T_T sigh sigh... i wanna go sleeeeep. Faster fasterrr! T_T...
SIGH OMG its still loading.....
likeee... FINALLY it finished loading after forever *RE*
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
grammar mistakes :P
mmmm yumm subwayyy T_T i'm hungry. hahaha! Picture taken by kelvin.
okok, gtg~ waking up early to go bukit kiara. YEA MAN powerful and semangat. hee hee ^^ good night!
Sunday, 6 April 2008
truly a sensation seeker :P
Started to rain quite heavily when we were about to reach the place but NO we will brave through the storm. So got ready, parked the car, got our umbrellas and we were set to go!
didn't exactly noe how to explain so i resorted to drawing :P check out his legs man, i was wondering how do u draw running legs :S *MALUUU* it looks like retarded legs. hahaha! Im bad at drawing k. Never ask me to be ur pictionary partner!! haha!
had to ask myii how to draw running legs and this was her version :P still ugly though, blame it on my drawing skills. :P hahaha. You try drawing with a lousy mouse and seee.. tsk tsk *RE* haha. GWARSH he looks like he doesnt have a left leg! HAHAHAHA. -..-
this man's umbrella was broken. We were wondering how did it happened and we couldn't help but burst out laughing at him even though he was still there.. T_T I noeeee soo mean of us. Esp me cos i think i laughed the loudest. HAHA. Sorry old man :(
Sooo poor thing la this man, kena laughed by us. I feel quite bad now, cos i was laughing right in front of him. I couldn't help it!! T_T so wasted we didn't have our cam with us. :P myii and i were saying that we should get olympus so that we can take pictures in times like this :P hahaha!
And den so with our fit of giggles we continued walking and then...... LO BEHOLD another sight the greeted us. HAHAHAHA.
There was this guy, and prob his mom la. He looked young la, i think still in high school. haha. And he was carrying this huge leaf that was bigger than his head trying to keep himself from getting wet. But the thing is..... he was already soaking wet. hahaha!
laugh laugh laugh some more. Me and wei pyng were wondering " the leaf so small, you think you can keep urself dry mehhh " hahahaha! But we were saying it in a funny way la, he saw us kinda laughing and he himself laughed too. sheepishly. haha
By that time, the rain was pouring down and our shoes started to get wet and squelchy. *walk walk walk* everyone was holding their own umbrellas and den suddenly.. *JOG JOG JOG* this middle aged man overtake us and some more he was jogging fast without an umbrella. We were like wah this man, SO MAN no need umbrella somemore jogging.
And then.... -..- he jogged up like 100 metres den he gostan balik jogg back to his car. -..- -..- =_= HAHAHAHAHA. Its like, we thought he was so man for jogging without an umbrella and all, and den he gostan -..- haha
And finally, we started walking.. and walking.. and the rain was so heavy that by the time we reach the part where they say "this way to better health" we were quite quite wet. And misty. HAHA. Cos.... cos the road was hot, we were hot *COUGH* and the weather was cold. Sooooo .. our specs fogged up big time. Until cannot see properly oso. HAHA. Me and myii looked at each other and started laughing. hahaha! Seriously.. and den.. my specs fell on the road. T_T_T AAHHHHH sakit hati. T_T
And then... there was thunder and lightning. I panicked and ask myii whether we will kena lighting strike. T_T i decided then, that we were tooo adventurous to go walking in a thunderstorm. Started praying and praying. Cos DUHHH i don't wanna die and come out in the papers the next day saying that we kena lightning strike. -..- haha!
prayed some more .. and more. And started singing as well. HAHAHA. Maybe thats why the rain was sooo heavy :P
There was this part, 3 of us were walking and den we smelt something really bad. I think some kinda animal poo-ed there -..- den me & myii asked weipyng at the same time ( we said it quite loudly la )
myii : weipyng did you fart???!
hyii : yerrr.. weipyng you poo ar?!
........... and den... this man who was as adventurous as us.. walked pass us...
HAHAHAHA sorry wei pyng. We didn't mean to make u feel that wayyy~ hahaha!
and then there was this funny part. Weng didn't want to share umbrella with daddy cos he said that daddy walks too fast rite. Then my dad told weng, lets jog. HAHAHAHA.. sooo funnyy! We were laughing behind cos weng had no choice but to jog along. Daddy was the one carrying the umbrella! haha! :P
yeapp, so that was a really really interesting walk today. I will defenitely do it again, but not when there's lighting. T_ T I DONT WANNA DIE YOUNG! T_T.
speaking of that, sorry to hear about john jack's friend who passed away this morning T_T It makes me depressed everytime i hear someone our age pass away. I guess cos its sooo wasted and there is so much to do in life that its too soon to die now T_T sigh.
so we got back home, all of us showered and i made hot chocolate for myii, wei pyng and daddy. I didn't make one for myself cos i needa lose 3 kgs, rmb? *RE*RE* hahaha! They all drank and complimented on my hot chocolate. hee hee^^ and den.. wei pyng asked, " hyii, how did u make it? "
me : 4 HEAPED teaspoons of hot chocolate, 2 teaspoons of condensed milk, and lots of milk ^^ *answers gleefully* thats why i dint make it for myself. HAHAHA
weipyng : -..- contra with the exercise just now redi lorr.. T_T
k la, i think my blog is full of words now T_T haha. Thats why i drew really really nice pics. :P haha. gtg sleeep, needa wake up tmr and study! wooo~ *turn on nerd mode full blast*
btw, lin jun jie's songs are really really sweet :)
and.... chris brown's song was stuck in my head the whole night and today. O_O haha. But i don't mind it, i LOVE that song :D its so sweeet. <3
k, bye!
Saturday, 5 April 2008
casey brown - without youuu~
myii : eh hyii, who's the singer again ah? Casey brown ah?
me : =_= * gives super grey face* Chris Brown
myii : its called "without you" right?
me : =_= (even greyer my face) WITH YOU.
HAHAHA. LIKE OMGGGGG.... its with you la, not without you OKAYY *RE* hahahaha!!
sigh, wanted to post a long post but yeah, leks backside is back and he needs to use the com *RE*
I shall post the long post i wanted to post tmr la k. Good night ppl
ps : sing this song to me, pls?