MISSION NO1..... FAILED. Reminds me of mission impossible. Hahahaha. Okayyy... lemme explain so that you all would understand what im saying. Haha.
This happened the last time myii, wei pyng and I were in singapore. We were sitting by the pool side chatting when we saw this guy (around our age??) walk past us and went up the lift. We didn't manage to get to the lift in time ( actually it was more of me who wanted to see who was this guy, myii and weipyng just followed. Hahahaha *cough* ) and so we were like AIYAH WASTED.
And right... i came up with this bright idea ( yeah i knowww *shy* )
to see which floor he was going to, most prob where he lives cos it was pretty late already. So yeah, wait wait wait. And *jeng jeng jeng* the lift stopped at the 11th floor! YES!!
Knoww which floor he's on. For all i know, he's an uncle who looks young. Hahahahaha.. damn stalker.
So todayyy... I went for lunch and all, was walking back to the condo, hoping that someone is heading that way too.. so i don't need to walk one big round to the entrance ( it's much nearer back to the condo going through the back door and i don't have the card to scan cos it's not done yet ) and i turned around and saw this guy who looked around myii's age?
And YES he scaned his card!! ( i was like YESSS LA cos i don't need to walk one big round. Hahahaha ) and i was walking behind him.. and so ngam we were heading to the same block... and i was thinking... HEYY maybe he's the 11th floor guyy! He looked behind when he was heading to the lift.. maybe he thought i was following him. Hahahaha.
No... he's not the 11th floor guy, he's the 8th floor guyyyy!
( not that we were stalking any guy living on the 8th floor, just in case u guys think there's another. Hahahaha :P )
=_= I found the whole thing so funny, i tried hard not to burst out laughing cos it was just the 2 of us in the lift. He might think that im giggling over him =_=
Hahahaha. You wouldn't knowww! He might be super perasan right! Hahahaha. And that ends... mission no1.
Hahaha. What la... im supposed to be studying, not doing all this. Haha.
Anywayyy, here are some pictures to our day out at the East Coast Park. Myii, i've uploaded a few only.. the rest u upload ok :P haha
myii took this while she was cycling... SO dangerous okayy! Hahaha. Sooo pretty right the trees?? The road looked so empty but it was just this stretch. There was like.... really heavy bicycle traffic on the road. Had to break here and there. Tsk tsk tsk. Haha
mums and myii
aww... mums, daddy and myii. Too bad i wasn't in the picture :( shucks. I was the camera woman. Haha
daddy, mummy and weng. Ah weng looks like an ah pek bcos of his specs. Hahahaha
we asked weng to take a picture.. and this was the outcome =_= we wanted full picture okay!! Ah weng.. tsk tsk :P
and myii was like, we take ourselves better lah! Tadaaa :D and it was so hard to keep my eyes open because the sun was so glaring. We were facing...
this. :) so pretty... thought it looks kinda polluted. TSK TSK
sooo pretty right the sunset? Too bad we didn't have our slr... didn't wanna lugg a big buffalo around :P hahahahaha. Weng and daddy wanted to cycle more.. so me, myii and mums went to sit by the beach side... looking out to the sea, soooo nice.
Oh yeahh, there was this part where we were cycling uphill... and this guy came along ( topless ) and he had a realllyyy nice back, not too muscular, but yet muscly ( get what i mean? haha )
and i was like " myii faster take a pictureeee!! But.... we were too late.... :( cos he zooomed past and we couldn't catch up. ( imagine us huffing and puffing to catch up. HAHAHAHAHA. OK.. don't imagine that actually. )
ooh, loook. The MRT station is sooo empty! Its as rare as clear traffic in KL on a working day! Hahaha. No la, not thaaaat rare. But it is pretty rare.
oh noooo.. it's really late nowww..... T_T gg-ness. Better get off ASAP cos i need to studyyy
peace out ya'll. Yo yo my name is joe and i love to wear bling bling. HAHAHAHA omg so lame. haha. OK bye.
KBS world 11.30pm got the show Rain is acting innn! :P:P:P
Is that the show you're watching? The "thank you" girl is acting in it also. :D
Called "my beloved".
Haha! (we really should STOP buying anymore series la. T_T)
YES YES YES!!! I watch it every night before i go to bed! They show it at 11 30? They show it at 11 15 hereee.. hehe. I think we should get this series tooo! I saw it in the shop the other dayyy!!!!! Hahahaha.
OH NOOOO... save money save moneyyy
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