And end up forgetting what i wanted to blog :P the stupid mosquitoes are flying around my legs under the table... T_T_T_T Where's our trusty floor fan when we need it??! haha
Went to ikano with family for dinner in padington house of pancakes and we ordered this seafood thingy which tasted BLEHHH. It was supposed to be salty and all but it turned out sweet =_=
Oh oh, we made a deal with our mom. (me & myii) I lose 3 kgs and both of us get the camp5 membership :D :D So now both of us so semangat, tmr going bukit kiara to walk :D haha
soon, i'll become like....
O_O like... WOAHHHH.. imagine me like this!! Aaaahhh T_T that would be soo scary.. haha. His muscles are huge to the point that it looks fake O_O. Scaryyy.. haha
k la, aku pigi dulu. Will post if anything interesting happens. haha.
Woahhh... Hyii are you sure you want that body?
Hao xin(g?) gan ohh~ XD
whaddya think HUH??? :P imagine me with that body..... O_O ohmygoodness omg mannn.. I think all the guys will runaway. haha!
Oh, zaho wanted to photoshop ur face on. XD
*don't need to run away cos zaho cannot run atm* XP
OMG zaho.... seriously??? HOHO... You watch out! Better make sure i'm not belaying youuuuu~ :P haha. Or maybe, i'll just sit on ur ankle. HAHAHA
So cham. If sit on your right ankle sure GG d... Aihhh. But not as bad as 90kg right... T_T
somehow, i had problems phtoshoping hyii's head on the body.. hmmmm.. i shall put in more effort. hahahahaha
oh my goodness his muscles is so yucky i cant imagine how his girlfriend feels when she hugs him -_-ll
Oh, sara, zaho wanted to photoshop hyii's head on. I also tried it. BUT WE FAILED.
Awww. :(
sara : YEAHHH! like... rock hard... hug oso pain :P haha. Look soo power man. makes u realise that u got so many diff muscles in ur body :P haha
zhao : TOOO BAD!! :P its ok its ok, no need to photoshop. Mayb i should try it on u. :P HAHA
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