Thursday 7 June 2012

short term pain, long term gain

this whole freaking 3 years of pain-in-the-butt degree will soon come to an end. SOON. And it's going to be worth it. My season of preparation will be coming to an end. 3 years pain for 30 years of success. Worth it? YES it's going to be worth the pain, the sweat, the tears, the sleepless nights, the emotional roller coaster, the dreading of assignments and exams. 

I will come out of the last paper feeling like a champion. Because i fought a long and tough battle, but I will emerge as CHAMPION. 

how i wish i have balloons like this everyday. Haha.

financial corporate reporting oh how i love you. Come to mama.


Mei Yii said...


Anonymous said...

jia you! Just a little bit more so hang in there!

hyii said...

hahahaha thanks you both. My loyal supporters for my blog :P ROFL