Friday, 17 October 2008
I talk... ALOT
omg i come online for a second... only a couple hours after sending my reply.. and you sent me a 1.6k word REPLY!!!!!!!
and for the record... my reply was only 1.3k words.... so yeah... you win lol...
how i wish doing my assignments would be as easy as this. I read his 1.3k words mail and replied a 1.6k words mail within an hour. OMG. Haha. I just feel so amused by it. Myii was asking, wahh what u all talk about in the mail, SO LONG... HAHA i seriously don't know. Maybe 20% for the mail consisted of 'haha' etc... =_= haha
Oh well, its great to be home :D :D :D minus some stuff :p hehe.
OMG, so embarrassing today man.
I took the MRT to harbourfront station to board the bus, and at the MRT station they had a security check.
Soo.... the guy opened up my luggage bag and closed it straight away. I was wondering, " wah so fast wan he check my bag ". He even commented that if he had to carry bags like mine everyday he would break his back. Yeah, cos 70% of my luggage consisted of my books and notes. HAHA.
The security guy was sooo helpful as well, seeing that i nearly drop my luggage bag 3 flights down the stairs he rushed over and help me carry it down all the way. AWW THANKS :)
Btw, there was also this other guy who offered to help me carry my luggage bag seeing that i was struggling with it going up the stairs. Haha. I guess all it takes is a heavy luggage bag eh? HAHA just kidding :P
After reaching 1u, i headed to subway to get something to eat, and opened my luggage bag to get my simcard only to find out the reason why the guy took like... 2 seconds to check my luggage. Because my underwear was just on the top ( last minute packing in the morning :P) screaming for the world to see.
OMG OMG OMG. And to think that i opened my luggage bag in subway. OMG.
So malu ok, good thing nobody was around. Haha.
OKAY time to go to bed, im realllyyy sleepy. And im not done with my theory work yet. GG-ness. Good night ppl!
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Sunday, 12 October 2008
someone's turning intoooo
OK la im so mean :P
Haha. This ah pek perng used to have the stamina to chat till sunrise but see what assignments and work has made him become..... an ah pek.
Bcos he has no more stamina to chat, has to sleep by midnight ( more of his brain not functioning well after midnight ) etc... haha
Darn exams and assignments T_T_T_T
Sigh... stress stress stress stresss
Weng, get well soon ok T_T
back to my maths. Come on hyii you can do ittt!! DON'T DISAPPOINT DADDY AGAINNNN!!!
Saturday, 11 October 2008
huiyii a pilot? HAHA
wah, i oso wanna become pilot leh
chunkiat says:
i think u not suited to become pilot la
tak boleh nampak. hahaha.
The mosquito is still flying around my legs. ARGH. I think i should go to bed now T_T good night.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
darn mosquitoes, DIE.
GWARSH, i called marms just now and she told me weng got DENGUE FEVER???!!! WHAT???!! And myii didn't tell me that =_= tsk tsk :P and then right, just YESTERDAY this man came to check our condo to see whether we keep water lying around for the mosquitoes to breed, bcos there were a few cases of ppl getting dengue fever....... just in the past week. AAAAAHHHH!! and its the block opposite us!! AAAAHHHH!!!!
and i just got a few bites... OMG OMG OMG.......... bloody mosquitoes. Grrr, wait till i catch you. I will pull out ur legs one by one and let you die a slow death. GRRRRR omg. So itchy T_T_T_T
anyway, nothing much to update about my life recently. All i've been doing is study study study, gwarsh i needa get a life! Hahaha.
So funny listening to the radio at night because the radio channels here in singapore always give out tips on how to get/keep/attract/you name it a guy/woman.
Yesterday, they had Dr love giving tips on how to keep your love life. For the guys, be MYSTERIOUS. It keeps the girls wanting to know more about you. Be UNPREDICTABLE, so that women are often surprised. SENSUALITY. Women, you have to keep touching your men. Just a simple hand on the shoulder...... etc etc etc.... so funny, it just makes me laugh. Hahaha.
Other than that, i got a new wallet! Wooohooo, thanks daddy :D
At first i got this wallet. Myii's initial reaction, "looks like a monster!!" =_= =_= =_= daddy chose it okayyy. And then, it had the same problem as the other wallet i bought previously. It couldn't buckle after putting in all my barang-barang. Soo.....
I exchanged it for... this!! YAYYY. Im so much more happier with this wallet, it doesn't look like a monsterr and it can fit all my stuff! WOOPEDEEDO!!
besides that, me and myii got our dad's bday present. A golf glove. Hahaha. Tried to take some pictures with it, but it looks.... rather ugly on me eh :( hahaha. I really miss the bazuka cam T_T_T_T
myiii~ guess what i found among my notes??!
you jane austen book marks you bought from bath! OH HO HO! And im currently using it for my econs text book XD haha
and wei shin, thanks so much for the bookmark~ im using it for my text book tooo :D hehe
omg omg, now i got mosquito bites on my TOES not toe.... TOES!!! ARGHHHHH!! OMG OMG OMG...... I HATE THE DARN BLOODY MOSQUITOES......... T_T_T
weng, get well soon okayyy~ im sorry for scolding you all the time T_T_ T
haha. Need to sleeep~ tmr need to wake up early, friend coming over~ YAYY i got company! haha