Monday 21 July 2008

need.. something... to... do....

For the past few days, i've been stoning around in the hse pretty often.. thinking of what to do... cos seriously, i can't think of what to do other than watch tv and surf the net. haha. GWARSH.. better find something to do if not i'll seriously rot in the hse or something. haha. Maybe i should practice the piano more often as well..... haha!

watched *jeng jeng jeng* BATMAN!

wanted to post some batman pictures up but i found them tooo disturbing T_T just like how i found the Batman movie disturbing. Its like... omg T_T the jokerrr... *shudders* haha. But other than that, the movie was goood :D no doubt about that. hehe. I really want a bike like batman.. nice nice nice. The most most most POTONG PART RIGHT.... was the part where we were about to find out what happened to the joker, and the screen blanked out, just like that!!! ISH... geram betul, budak ni... HAHAHA. Oh well.. might watch the movie again, might not.. we'll see :P

and *cough* hello perng if ur reading this. Haha. Just wanted to post it so that next time when i look back at my posts... i can laugh about it again. Hahahaha! I'm sooooo tempted to steal ur picture from facebook or something, so that ppl can imagine it better... but i'm not daaaat mean :P haha. Imagine perng in heels. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Omg omg omg. Okok, don't kill me ok. *peace* haha! I doubt that ppl who read my blog don't know how u look like anyway.. apart from myii.. and zhao.. and mf :P haha! Oh yeah, and perng calls jibbitz, jiblets. HAHA.

ok, bye.


Anonymous said...

my colleague said, got 1 part, got Adison Chen...

hyii said...

yeahhh! the part in hong kong, edison chen was inside! hehehe. But super keh leh feh wan :P