Wednesday 5 January 2011

happy new year!!!

HAHAHA ok sorry a bit late... but better late than never :P

and one thing i realised.. i should never post that i will be blogging soon, or posting pictures soon.. cos end up blogging like.. a week after! With no pictures :P hahahahaha! :P

sooo.. am i happy that its a new year? Will i miss 2010? Don't know.. probably bits and pieces here and there huhuhu~

i've got so many pictures to go through.. so many pictures i want to post. But there's too many pictures to go through like PHEWW.... I don't think i'll ever end up posting them huhu :P


SOOOO exams has ended (like a month ago :P HAHA) and all i've been doing is.. bumming around.. bumming... bumbumbumbumbumbumbumbum TVTVTVTVTVTVTV SHOPSHOPSHOPSHOP BUMM exerciseeeeeee HAHAHAHA

but holidays have been purdy okayy, meeting up with friends. But emo cos myii didn't come back >:O YOU DESERVE SOME SPANKING GRRRRR. You made christmas & new year feel so lousy cos u weren't around to celebrate with me! ;_;


perng is/was back! :D

"lets go for a DRINK!"

"jom lets!"

"haiyah, we should have made it an 'every time affair' where we drink every time we meet!"

"haiyahhh yeala WASTED"

"Guinness is good stuff."

"YEA OMGGG, guinness is really good stuff man *gulpgulp*" JUST KIDDING THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN! HAHA

guinness + fries + hours of talking = awesome times.

roflroflrofl writing that down for memory :) hehe. Man i missed perng!


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