Wednesday, 28 April 2010

i love my tee family.

myii posted this picture on her blog asking me to show this picture to dadddyy~

hahaha! AUD 179.90 for my blackberry fund (L) wooohooo thanks sissyy i sent this picture to daddy already. HEHEHE.


omggg soooo funnny last night, i was chatting with myii on gmail, and u know like.. they only show the surname. So like all our names will be TEE. And then last night, my dad sent me a msg.. but i thought it was myii and so i replied... the way i reply myii :P

and then i realised that it was actually my dad and mom.


my dad is so cool (L)

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

my weekend!

what a hot hot saturday~

took this when i was driving. HAHA! no la craxy mehhh~ it was at the traffic light on the way to church. NICE CARRR :D

i LOVE the colour combo :D but then.. doesnt show as nicely cos i used my phone to take the picture :( sad. No camera :( haha.

after church wei pyng, jian yang and i went to tropicana city mall for dinner! Had pho phoa (Y) awesome vietnamese noodles YUM but i still prefer the one i had in melby. Shucks! After noodles we walked around a bit, and had smooooothie.

MYIIIIIII i think u'll like this! :D Green tea ice blended with oreo biscuit :D yumm but then a bit watered down :( not thick enough.

wei pynnggg SMILEEEE~

WEI PYNGGG SMILEE!! *looks up and smile* VERY GOOOOOOD :P hahaha!

this is jian yang! Hehe. Typical singaporean, everything he says/does shouts IM A SINGAPOREAN. hahaha

errr... random shop?? :P

bobalicious! YUM!


on sunday, went to popeyes with candy, lois, joy and derek. Not badddd la~

popeye the sailorman~

brought back some for weng~

mmmm yum yum i got royce from joy and lois :D :D


sooo super cool right :D mel's highlighter with 5 diff colours!! :D

maggie mee mee~ HAPPY 21ST MAGGIE! :D

random picture of mel and max. Haha. We were at my signature!

bumped into zhao in sunway on tues! Went out for dinner with him and weng that night.

hehe. Vietnamese noodles again :P i can never get enough of it :P

zhao and weng, SMILE~ weng too busy with his phone. TSK


zhao wow with his meatball noodles yum :D

weng with his LARGE erh... meatball and something :P

my noooodles :D

Saturday, 24 April 2010

i love.

haha. Half of fred's face.

3 quarters of ah benn's face.

yayy. Myii's full face :D

thank you God.. for placing such awesome ppl in my life. I love them all (L)
had a really good talk with ah benn, which made me realise a lot of things.
Heh, sorry ah benn.. u were about to go to bed :P

tell the most honest answer.

ps: BTW check out the quality diff between skype and gtalk!!!! Skype IS SOOO BLUR. But then again, maybe its bcos myii's room was dark. Heh. Off to bed.. GOOD NIGHT Y'ALL~ pray before u sleep!



fred is so lousy at drawing!!!!! When i saw this picture i laughed my head offf omggggg.

what is with the mole???!! And the specs!!!! And the CURLY HAIR!!!!! And why my hair so ugly wan... plus where got eyes look like that wan....


Thursday, 22 April 2010

busy like a beee~

HI! My name is wan li, and im a nerddddd. HAHAHAHAHAH kiddingggg wan li :P this was.. tuesday morning! When we decided to skip the jam and go early to uni instead. So that we can spend 2 hours studying before class. MM HMM STUDYYYY (Y) VERY GOOOOOD :P

we were doing stats! Normal distribution :D one of my.. fav topics out of the rest T_T

made apple cider for max cos he had fever and sore throat. Hehe.

shucks~ what a cloudy gloomy dayyy~ :(


been helping out in the "BE GENEROUS" campaign for the past 2 days and MANNN is it tiring. I wonder how those salespeople do it.. T_T hahaha. Face must be super thick! :P

mel and soniaaa~ Mel was handling the coupons and sonia was sort of in charge of the whole thing :P

purdy colours (L)

meet my classmates! Er.. swee chin and jia yi. I think :P they were guessing the weight of a container of coins! haha. Which was.. what i was in charge of for the day :p convincing ppl to " "come try guess the weight of the coins, and stand a chance to win a HP PRINTER!!!!!"


ahhh theree~ SUN-U ACCOUNTING SOCIETYYY! HAHAHAHA. I was like, yeaa im involved in this club but i've got NO IDEA what is the name of it. *shy* now i know! WAHAHA! HAHAHA.

awwwww my pretty friend mel~ with such pretty colours :D freee bookmarks!

this is the.. food and beverages counter! Can u see wan li~~ And bubble tea~ And this guy in the stripped shirt, his name is LOONG. I call him, AH LONG. HAHAHAHAHA. He's so funny la~ my classmate! :D he's from LAOS!

and whenever someone walks past, he'll go " GOOD AFTERNOON/EVENING SIR/MISS would you like to buy some foood or drinks??? " And he has this super funny/cute laos(??) accent.

and today, he tried to convince this girl to buy drinks.. he said " hallo miss, if you don't want your food to get stuck in your throat until tonight, pls buy some drinks!!! "

HAHAHAHAHA. And then right, mel and i were disturbing him la, asking him whether we can go to laos and he bring us around. He said, CAN NO PROBLEM, my dad owns a hotel/rest house in laos. WOAHHH!

COOOOLLL :D and then i so mean tease him, "Is it rumah panjang?? " - those kampung houses. HAHAHAHAHA. Yayyy, laos here we commeeee :D

deric and MAX aka hakka lau aka caterpillar. Haha. Deric has one of the neatest handwriting in class! O_O OMG! Wayyyyy neater than mine! Max and his dimples :)

tried to get a close up picture of ah long, but failed to cos he hid behind wan li!

max wanted to win the printer so he paid like.. 10 entries and sat there for a super long time guessing the weight of the box of coins, so that he can win the printer. Hahaha! I hope he does :D

erh.. more random pictures :P

AND THIS! Is a superbly random pictureeeeeee. I think i accidently pressed some buttons - cos i was holding on to my phone, and when i looked at my phone i was like.. EH! Where did this come from!!! But it looks purdy cool eh :P so yeala post only la :P


check this website - fivefingers

who wants to buy one pair for myii?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG LAH. Myiiii ah ma said, she ask uncle top glove to sew one pair for u, cheaper. HAHA! Jangan lupa i lob youuu poopoo~

Friday, 16 April 2010

get hired! Woohoo~

erh.. this happened some time ago, i can't even rmb the dateee!!! GWARSH! Eh wait.. i think its.. yea THURSDAY! HAHAHAHA.

so yeah.. i 'volunteered' - somehow got dragged into this society. HAHA! Initially i was the VIP usher(WOAHH) but bcos the VIP i was supposed to take care of didn't come, i ended up with mel, ushering the people into the lecture hall.

this way to... get hired! Wooohoo! But actually, i cannot understand lor.. got the signs all the way, why still need us to stand at the entrance to 'guide' the ppl into the hall :P

so mel, carol and i just.. erh.. lepaked at the staircase. HAHA!

woohoo! Timothy tiah came!

this was him giving his speech... can u see him?? He's the one in blue. Sorry, no camera so sad, need to use phone camera :(

nah another view, is it clearer? :P

my pretty pretty friend mel! :D

wanna know a super funny story???? On thurs, the moment i walked into the classroom i went, " Mel, did you do something to ur fringe???" - or something along those lines :P

and she replied "YEA I CUT MY OWN FRINGE!! *starts laughing*"


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SO FUNNY LAAA OMGGG.. As u can seeeee.. the fringe is uneven!! And until now i still cannot stop making fun of her :P HAHAHAHA

other classmates helping around moving the furniture while mel, carol and i... just sat there. HAHA! :P

this was what we did while 'ushering' at the entrance! Mel and carol.

oooo~ didn't realise sunway's entrance is prettyy nice :D

not bad la~ :P


on another note, went to midvalley with pei wennn! Erh.. i think it was a wednesday?? To check out some watches :P we took like.. less than 10 mins to look at the watches :P and headed for ice cream after that!

pei wennnnn :D

we were so greedddyy we got the FAMILY SIZE ONE! HAHAHAHA. Strawberry, raspberry(my fav), mango and peach! OK laaa not bad :p but i still prefer frozen yoghurt. Hehehe.

nah! Don't know the name of the shop :p


was driving to uni one day.. and while wan li and i were waiting at this traffic light, i was like WAH why suddenly so manyyyy motorbikes!!!

so yah, so kaypo took a pic XD