Monday, 14 January 2013

The grass is never greener on the other side.

The grass is always greenest where its best taken care of. I've always wanted my plot of green grass to be somewhere else but God's telling me no, here back home is where my grass will be the greenest, where my soil is the most fertile and whatever I plant will flourish and grow in abundance.

my grass will be green & healthy & juicy (rofl) like this.

there will be pretty flowers growing all over it..

there will even be a little cute baby kitten *squeal so cute*

with blue skies..

and abundance of pretty vibrant colourful flowers, exactly how i love them.

Don't worry my grass, i will take the best care of you. 

1 comment:

Mei Yii said...

*squeals* so cute so cute that cute little kitteh.