Wednesday, 21 November 2007

We are the champs, we are the champs...

hahaha.. so terrible la, today in church i kept singing the champs song the other song, dunno the title.. but the one that goes.. My God You are so big, SO STRONG AND SO MIGHTY *ahem cough cough* hahahaha!! Aihh, its all wei shin's fault. Now when i think of that song.... aih.. i can't help it man. tsk tsk tsk. Haha!

Anyways, weepee came over in the morning to bake with us before going to church to help out out for vbs. hohoho.

this is wee pee. haha. Forgot whether she was taking the tray out, or putting it into the oven. hehe.

aishh, weepee's super flat roti canai-ish cookies that she made. As u can see, the cookies with 2 chocolate chips are hers, and the ones with most chips are mine! HAHAHA. kidding kidding, cannot laugh at her expense ar.

oh yeah, dads and weng bought some kinda plant thingy on the way back from camerons and ewwww.. looks sooo geli lar. In the shop it looked kinda nice and cute cos it had full bush on his head. But look at ours.. T_T geli to the max.. got roots coming outa his face.. and his strangly hair... T_T no worry, no worry. All will be fine after it grows fully. hopefully. haha!

super hairy cactus. Can u see spongebob's face? Weng bought the cup, soo cute. haha. Our ever surviving strong cactus that didn't die even though we didn't water it for.... i dun even know how long :S haha. must be the radiation from the tv that's keeping it alive. haha!

OHHH! We bought the bag for our camera redi.. wooo~ pretty pretty pretty.. :D that explains the baking of cookies this morning. Huge thanks to wei sheong for sacrificing ur lunch TWICE to go klcc to get the bag. hehehe. The first time, they were outa stock, 2nd no colour.. third, BINGO! haha. Felt quite bad la, made him go so many times and miss his lunch somemore. So decided to make him some cookies to thank him. But of course, we kept some for ourselves too la :D hee hee ^^

ain't it preeetttyyyyy~ just the colour we wanted but the size could've been a bit bigger. Aish.. not willing to pay more for a bigger bag. Too painful for my pocket. T_T_T_T

wei luen painting with full concentration. haha, its not as easy as u think it is. You need FULL concentration if not u'll end up like.....

tsk tsk tsk.... look at it, senget and transparent. Guess who's the culprittt??~

jeng jeng jeng... and the winner for that painting is... WEI SHIN! wooohooo~ ur prize, buying us lunch and dinner, KOREAN FOOD. wahahahaha. SET

hee hee, i'm coming along~ ^^

the super super bright fluoroscent coloured alphabets. I'm so proud of myself because i painted to most. hee hee *shy shy* hahahaha! Weishin was soo kiam siap with his paint on the alphabet it looked kinda transparent-ish. tsk tsk. haha!

wee pee painting her mushrooms. hehe

teacher may ee and the paint and brushes.

ok la, GTG NS * got to go~ needa sleep* hahaha! Waking up at 6 to go bukit kiara with marms and dads. That is, if we can wake up lar :P hehe GN *good night* haha

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