so right you know what happened todayyy?? I have this classmate called Deric and so....
after lecture, OH HALLELUJAHHHH, lecture was 2 and a half hours and it was soooo boringggg... so after that.. LUNCH TIME!!!
I walked out of the lecture room, saw mel and talked to her. The convo went.. something like that (can't really remember :P)
me: mel! Who you waiting for?? How come you standing here? Lets go for lunch!
mel: im waiting for Deric.
me: Eh? I thought he went off already??
mel: No lar, he went to go pee.
me: ohhh i seeee.
AND THEN I WALKED OUTSIDE THE GENTS AND CALLED DERICC~~~ (for fun ok, just to kacao and all. No intentions whatsoever!!!!!!!!)
i looked in and saw deric PEEE-INGGGGG AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *wash eyes with everything i can think of*
and he actually turned back and look at me!!!!!!
ohhh what horrorrrrrrrrrrrr. To seee ur classmate PEE.
gwarrshhhhh. Why did i go call his name in the first place. aihyo.
aihhhhhh lies on ground and tries to bury self.
i have to go study.... and read this HORRIBLE BOOOOOK the WORST BOOOOOK EVER cos it reflects the light which hurts ur eyes. PLUS the author is sooo annoying cos he jumbles the points EVERYWHERE!!! GAH! *pulls out hair*
bury me. Just bury me.
hahahah ok time to go studyyy BYE!