HAPPY BDAYY MUMMYY! Although it was yesterdayyy :P
wooohooo, as you can see in the pic LOVELY FLOWERS RIGHTTTTT :P couldn't be bothered to rotate the picture around hoho. NICE NICE NICE??
ok lemme tell you a story.
one day after class on my mother's bday i decided to buy my mom a bouquet of flowers. AND SO.. i decided to go to this small florist in tropicana city mall - WHICH IS THE BEST FLORIST SO FAR IM GONNA ADVERTISE FOR THEM! :D
and so... u know.. ask price first right cos the previous saturday i bought a bouquet of carnations - HALF A DOZEN FOR RM80 they crazy wan. Ok la not crazy, but its ridiculous!!!
SO ANYWAY! Lazy to tell story redi :P THE GUY CHARGED ME RM110 for 10 lilies, 5 daisies and 3 carnations <3>
plus.... i didnt like the colour of the wrapper and he changed it all for me :D
as you can seee... he wasn't really good with colour combi. He chose.. purple pink.. and a clashing purple! (N) and ... i asked him to remove the pink and purple.. and replaced with the gold and it looks MUCH MUCH BETTER! :
i love love daisies :D and carnations. SO PRETTY.
I was never a fan of flowers cos i think its a waste of money. But this guy made it sooo pretty im starting to like flowers! :D anyone's bday coming up?? You'll get flowers from me!! :D hahahahaha.
pretty pretty (L)
they have 3 other branches!!! 2 in 1utama basement, another in ATRIA DJ!!! I got my flowers from TROPICANA CITY MALL!!!! Next to... X-press hair cut or something. LOWER GROUND! :D
awesome :D i got all this info cos i was talking to the guy when he was wrapping the flowers :D hahaha.
woowoo~ blue skies. I love <3
was driving to church and i saw the workers fixing the sidewalk and i went.. " OHHH so this is how they do it!" hahaha. And took a pic while driving. Oops. HAHA!
wei pynngg!! You're keeping my coupon!!! hahahahahaha. Cooooool i get 50 cents ice cream too myii XD
tsk tsk tsk, CALL GIRL SERVICE?? AND RIGHT OUTSIDE SUNWAY UNI???!!! TSK TSK TSK. Btw, the guy in charge is called kenny. TSK.
awwwwww, look at fred :) ONION GOGGLES! SO FUNNY! hahhahahaha.
was waiting for myii and wei pyng to choose their stationary - THEY TAKE FOR-E-VER!!! HAHAHAHAH no laa :P but yeaaaa, i went to the kids corner to read some books :)
i absolutely love toy story :) can't wait for TOY STORY 3 TO COME OUT! HURRY UPPPP!
this pig story was quite interesting :P
Farmyard stories quite interesting!! Cos they tell stories about diff animals! :D
you've got a friend in meeeee~~~
Gruffalo is another funny story!! Hmmm maybe i should just buy them :P and keep them for my kids in the future (L)
alll also nice!
its been some time since i last went to 32 square starbucks!
"I'll take blue cos im feeling blueeee~"
while i was suffering studying law.... wshin was playing bejeweled...
all my pictures on the blog are the same as the one i posted on fb!! =_= hahahaha
another engaged couple! My cousinnnn <3>
its awesomeeee how sometimes something small can make you so happy :)
wei pyng called up and said she wanted to pass me something. AND SHE BROUGHT ME GREEEEN TEA ICE CREAM THANK U WEI PYNGGG (L)(L)(L)
so funny, wei pyng was telling me.. the lady so blur.. wei pyng asked for one tub green tea, the other mint.. AND SHE MIXED BOTH FLAVOURS INTO BOTH TUBS!!!
cannot really see properly.. but its actually a mixture of mint and... green teaaa :S hahaha